Varanadi Kashayam Benefits, Uses, Dosage & Side Effects

Varanadi Kashayam is herbal formulation used in ayurveda for the treatment of Kapha Diseases including obesity, loss of appetite, headache with a dull ache, internal abscesses, fatty liver disease, abdominal lump, rheumatoid arthritis and frozen shoulder. It has the capacity to correct the digestion and metabolism. It helps in fatty liver, belly fat or central obesity.
Varanadi Kashayam contains following ingredients.
- Crataeva nurvala (Varuna)
- Asparagus racemosus (Shatavari)
- Plumbago zeylanica (Chitrak)
- Strobilanthes ciliatus (Sairyaka)
- Chonemorpha fragrans (Moorva)
- Aegle marmelos (Bael or Bilva or golden apple)
- Aristolochia bracteolate (Vishanika, Kiramar)
- Solanum melongena (Brihati)
- Aerua lanata (Bhadra)
- Pongamia glabra (Karanja)
- Holoptelia integrifolia (Pootikaranja)
- Premna corymbosa (Jaya)
- Terminalia chebula (Hareetki)
- Moringa oleifera (Sahijan, Bahalapallava)
- Desmostachya bipinnata (Kush, Darbha)
- Semecarpus anacardium (Agnimukh, Rujakara, Marking Nut)
Medicinal properties
Varanadi Kashayam has following healing properties.
- Diuretic
- Uricostatic (inhibits uric acid production)
- Anti-lithogenic (inhibits stone formation in kidneys)
- Anti-obesity
- Antibacterial
- Antimicrobial
Therapeutic Indications
Varanadi Kashayam is beneficial in following diseases.
- High cholesterol levels
- Atherosclerosis
- Obesity (central obesity or excess belly fat)
- Breathing troubles in obese people or Obesity hypoventilation syndrome
- Asthma (chest congestion)
- Hepatitis
- Loss of appetite
- Indigestion
- Gas
- Bloating or Abdominal distension
- Fatty liver disease
- Rheumatoid arthritis
- Abscesses – external abscess and internal abscess
- Wounds
- Itching
- Eczema (with secretions – weeping eczema)
- Pelvic inflammatory disease
- Prostate enlargement
- Edema
- Lassitude or sleeping sickness
Benefits & Medicinal Uses
Varanadi Kashayam works on KAPHA DOSHA and VATA DOSHA, according to ayurveda. It also increases the PITTA DOSHA, which means it produces heat in the body. Its main action is on PITTA, which means it increases digestive fire, improves metabolic activities in the body and corrects cellular energy.
Obesity (Weight Loss)
Varanadi Kashayam is drug of choice for losing weight in ayurveda. It increases metabolic rate and helps burning fat fast. Unlike Guggul, it may not have affect on natural death of fat cells, but it influence burning of fats and treats malabsorption syndrome. Theoretically, Varanadi Kashayam should increase the appetite, but practically it does not occur in all cases. Some patients reported initially increase in their appetite and suppression of appetite after a week of its use. Initial increase in appetite may be due to its effect on metabolism and digestion in the body.
Lower dosage of Varanadi Kashayam can help almost in Kapha headache. We found it more effective in headache with dull pain and heaviness in the head. In other cases, Pathyadi Kwath and Itrifal Ustukhuddus are more beneficial.
High cholesterol levels & Atherosclerosis
Varanadi Kashayam works on KAPHA humour. According to ayurveda, Atherosclerosis and High cholesterol levels develop due to excess intake of KAPHA foods. Varanadi Kashayam reduces cholesterol and triglycerides. It also stops atherosclerotic process by arresting the plaque accumulation and reducing inflammation of the blood vessels. In fact, low-grade inflammation of the blood vessels is main cause of developing atherosclerosis. Thus, it also helps preventing coronary artery disease and arteriosclerotic vascular disease (ASVD or Atherosclerosis).
Asthma with congestion and excess mucus production
You should note that Varanadi Kashayam would not work in breathing troubles in which excess sputum production is not involved. In asthma or breathing troubles where excess sputum is main concern, Varanadi Kashayam is very effective in such cases.
Breathlessness due to obesity
Varanadi Kashayam reduces fats and KAPHA element in the body, which provides ease in breathing. Along with Varanadi Kashayam, one should also do exercises to strengthen the respiratory muscles and reducing fats quickly. Heavy exercises are not suitable in such conditions, so you can start with light exercises, which you can do easily and then slowly increases exercise intensity.
Fatty Liver Disease (Hepatic Steatosis)
Fatty liver syndrome is related to the obesity in most cases. With the similar reasons explained above, Varanadi Kashayam reduces the fats from the liver and improves liver functions. It is also helpful in hepatitis, jaundice, alcoholic hepatitis and loss of appetite due to liver disorders.
- Varanadi Kashayam Syrup (readymade): 10 to 20 ml added in warm water 30 minutes before meal
- Varanadi Kashayam Tablets: 1 to 2 tablets with warm water an hour before meal
- Varanadi Kwath: 20 ml to 40 ml before meal
Caution & Side Effects
Varanadi Kashayam is POSSIBLY SAFE & WELL-TOLERATED in most people. The unwise and unsupervised use can result in following side effects.
A few side effects are here.
- Mouth ulcer (very common)
- Dry mouth (common)
- Heartburn (common and occurs with heavy dosage)
- Loss of appetite (however, Varanadi Kashayam increases appetite, but appetite loss occurs in people with gastritis and ulcer or heat disorders)
- Excessive thirst
People with PITTA PRAKIRTI or people with history of heartburn, gastritis, ulcer or heat disorders should not use Varanadi Kashayam.
Can we take Varadi Kashayam regular basis? Does it have any side effect if taken regularly?
Varadi Kashayam is likely safe for long-term use. It contains Chitrak, which stimulates gastric secretions and may lead to burning sensation in some people. Otherwise, it does not have any side effects.
varanadi kashayam, is found to be good in treatments
Can varanadi kashayam be taken to treat hypothyroid (Hashimotos) especially in cases where obesity is not a concern, but to increase thyroid functioning?
Yes, it can be used to stimulate thyroid along with Kanchnar Kwath (Decoction). Ayurveda works according to Dosha, so varanadi kashayam is more beneficial when patient is having KAPHA or VATA dominant symptoms and lesser PITTA symptoms.
Does VARUNADI KASHAY induce detox symptoms like nausea, fever, etc.? If yes, can the medicine be diluted with water to minimize discomfort?
Varanadi Kashayam does not cause these symptoms. Fever may indicate something else wrong and it cannot occur due to Varanadi Kashayam.
However, nausea can occur due to Varanadi Kashayam in PITTA type people or in health conditions with PITTA dominance.
You need to rule out your Body Type (PRAKRITI), health condition and dominance of Dosha. Varanadi Kashayam may not be suitable remedy for PITTA type people or in diseases where PITTA is predominant Dosha.
Is there an alternative to Varunadi Kashay in people with Pitta dominance having problems related to gynaec, gallstones and migraine? Or can this medicine itself be taken after meals?
There are many medicines available. Best alternative depends on the individual’s health condition and clinical history.
How long does this medicine make difference in losing weight?
Results can vary person to person. Generally, it gives results within a month in weight loss.
Can I take Shatavari Gulam to increase muscle mass?
How does Varanadi Kashayam help to treat hydrosalpinx of fallopian tube?
The blockage occurring in the fallopian tube with serous or clear fluids is due to the excess Kapha Dosha, according to the ayurveda. Varanadi Kashayam likely to reduce the Kapha i.e. the serous fluids in the fallopian tube and thus it helps to treat the hydrosalpinx.
Can Varanandi tablets be taken for weight loss, where cholesterol is not a problem, but gaining weight due to hormonal change and metabolism? If yes, how long it will take to see the changes?
Varanadi Kashayam is helpful for losing weight even if you have no other problems. The results vary person-to-person and it will difficult to tell how much time it will take to show results. In general, it takes a month to show results with 1 to 3 kg loss in body weight with its optimum dosage (i.e. 2 tablets twice daily with lukewarm water).
Does the remedy dissolve kidney stones?
Varanadi Kashayam can also be used for kidney stones. Varun (Crataeva Nurvala) dissolves the kidney stones. It is more effective for preventing recurrence of the kidney stones.
can we use varanadi kashayam for pcos and does it help to reduce weight?
Yes, Varunadi Kashayam can help for treating PCOS and for reducing wight. However, it should not be used if you are suffering from any increased or aggravated Pitta symptoms.
hOw to find out our body prakrithi?
Hi ayurvedic doc today gave me varanadi kashayam syrup as am suffering from it good?
Hi dr
Can we use varanadi keshyam and aswaghandha churna together ..??
Can we have varanadi kashayam and lohasinduram tablets together for reducing post pregnancy weight. I am a feeding mother to my three month old baby. Are these 100% safe to b taken during lactation.
However, you can start these medicines once your child starts eating other foods.
The best recommendation is – you should wait till 12 months of age of child.
My daughter is 2 years old. She has adenoids. Doc has suggested Varunadi kasayam. Is it helpful for her? Also, can I take it for losing weight?
Yes, Varunadi kasayam is helpful in the treatment of adenoids if symptoms are Kapha dominating. Your doctor will advise you better after examining patient.
Yes, it also aids to reduce weight.
Where to get this bottle in chennai?
You can get it from local ayurvedic stores.
I am Venkatesh age 22. Few months before I have taken kottakal saraswatharistm. My stomach has become full, irregular shape, blow out, became like a rubber tube. Does saraswatharistm increase fat in me or does it imbalance Kapha Dosha. My question is does varanadi kysham helps me to get relive from this effect. plz reply.
Saraswatharishta does not likely to increase weight or belly fat. It does not increase Kapha Dosha. There should be some other causes.
Varanadi Kashayam can help to reduce Kapha, belly fat and weight. However, it is the best to consult an ayurvedic practitioner for Dosha analysis and get medicine accordingly.
Varadi kashayam has caused severe cystic hormonal pimples on my face. Why so?
Varadi kashayam is different from Varanadi Kashayam.
Varadi kashayam is used for treating obesity. It contains ingredients that exert hot action in the body. It means that it produces/increases the heat in the body. Pimples may appear if it is consumed by people with Pitta Body Type or suffering from Pitta dosha aggravation.