
Triphala Guggulu Benefits, Uses & Side Effects

Triphala Guggulu (Triphala guggul) is an ayurvedic medicine that contains Shuddha Guggulu, Triphala and Pippali Churna. Its benefits include its use in ayurveda for weight loss, constipation, fistula, piles, internal abscess, liver abscess, infective wounds of soft tissues, and corns and calluses.

It induces fat burning by improving metabolism and digestion of fat. So, it assists in fat loss and inch loss. Generally, it is an effective medicine for reduction of belly fat (abdominal obesity). It also improves bowel movement by loosening and softening the stool. Furthermore, it is also helpful in the treatment of indigestion, flatulence, intestinal diseases and for expelling out intestinal worms.

Synonyms of Triphala guggulu

  1. Navkarshik Guggul
  2. Navakarshika Guggulu
  3. Trifala gugul
  4. Triphala guggul
  5. Triphala gugul

Triphala guggulu ingredients

1000 mg gram of triphala guggulu contains:

Common NameLatin NameQuantity
Amla (Indian Gooseberry)Emblica officinalis125mg
BibhitakiTerminalia bellirica125 mg
HaritakiTerminalia chebula125 mg
Pipali (Long Pepper)Pepper Longum125 mg
GuggulCommiphora wightii500 mg

Triphala and guggulu are the main constituents of trifala guggulu.

Chemical Composition

  1. Guggulipids (gugulipid or guglipid)
  2. Guggulsterone
  3. Phenolic Compounds (Gallic Acid)
  4. Saponins
  5. Linoleic acid
  6. Phospholipids

Medicinal Properties

Triphala guggul has following medicinal properties:

  • Antibacterial
  • Antimicrobial
  • Mild Laxative
  • Intestinal Detox
  • Anti flatulent
  • Carminative
  • Anthelminthic or vermifuge
  • Digestive stimulant
  • Anti-diabetic
  • Anti-inflammatory
  • Analgesic
  • Adoptogenic
  • Anti-cancer
  • Antioxidant
  • Anti-mutagenic

Therapeutic Indications

Triphala guggul is medically indicated in following diseases:

  1. Pain disorders
  2. Weight loss or Obesit
  3. Piles
  4. Fistula
  5. Blood disorders
  6. Gout
  7. Skin Diseases
  8. Wound edema
  9. Abscesses (internal abscesses)
  10. Pyogenic liver abscess or Amebic liver abscess
  11. Chronic Appendicitis

Triphala Guggulu Benefits & Uses

Triphala Guggulu is beneficial in all types of pain disorders, especially pain related to soft tissue injuries, wounds, cuts and inflammation of skin.

Weight loss or Obesity

Triphala Guggulu contains five very potent herbs that affect the digestive system, metabolism and body energy. Triphala and guggul both are well known for their anti-obesity and fat reduction effects. Long pepper is an additional ingredient in this formulation, which boosts up fat metabolism in the liver and fatty tissue.

Triphala is mainly noted to influence the abdomen and tissues around the abdomen. It is beneficial in the reduction of belly fat. The following combination is effective to reduce weight and belly fat.

Triphala Guggul500 mg
Pushkarmool (Inula Racemosa)250 mg
Medohar guggul500 mg
Arogyavardhini vati500 mg
  • However, above formula is not suitable for people suffering from gastritis and acid reflux. They should use only Triphala Guggul and Arogyavardhini vati in lower dosage, but if KAPHA is dominant and effect of PITTA humor is secondary. If patient has symptoms of NIRAMA PITTA, then both remedies should not be used. Then Amlalaki Rasyana, Kutki and Mustak would be best for losing weight.
  • Some doctors also add Tamra Bhasma (Copper Ash) in about 15 mg dosage in the above formula.

Triphala Guggul for Piles

Triphala Guggulu is helpful in non-bleeding piles. Some patients also have a problem of mucus discharge from the the excretory opening and piles. Triphala Guggulu helps in this condition to reduce mucus production, destroy pus, and stop pus formation and eliminate infection.

Anal Abscess & Fistula

Due to the antimicrobial and antibacterial properties, Triphala Guggulu is highly beneficial in anal abscess and fistula. Generally, this preparation is formulated for the treatment of anal abscess and fistula, but due to other beneficial effects of its ingredients, it is also used in many other cases.

Triphala Guggulu along with Abhrak Bhasma reduces pus and eradicates infection from the anal canal. Therefore, it is mostly prescribed for fistula and anal abscess. The following combination of ayurvedic medicines might effective in anal fistula.

Triphala Guggulu1 gram
Abhrak Bhamsa250 mg
Bang Bhasma125 mg
Chandi Bhasma (Rajat Bhasma)125 mg
Gandhak Rasayana1 gram

Drainage of anal abscess is also necessary to get the promising results with Triphala Guggulu. It also prevents recurrence of abscess.

Blood disorders

Triphala Guggulu is detoxifier ayurvedic preparation. It helps to purifies blood and corrects the natural functions of blood vessels.

High cholesterol or raised lipids

Triphala Guggulu reduces cholesterol and triglycerides levels in the blood. It also helps to eliminate plaque formation in the blood vessels. The following combination is effective in reducing cholesterol levels.

Triphala Guggul1 gram
Pushkarmool (Inula Racemosa)500 mg
ArjunaTerminalia Arjuna Bark Powder500 mg
Arogyavardhini vati1 gram
Trikatu250 mg


As we already discussed that Triphala Guggulu purifies the blood and helps to eliminate the toxins from the blood. Abnormal level of uric acid is also a toxin for our body. There are two causes of high level of uric acid. One is problem with its excretion and another one is its overproduction in the body.

Triphala Guggulu is effective in both conditions. It reduces the production of uric acid by correcting the metabolism of the body. It reduces uric acid levels in the blood by aiding in its excretion.

Infectious Skin Diseases

Due to antibiotic effects of Triphala Guggulu, it is used in Infectious Skin Diseases.

Wound edema

Triphala Guggulu reduces inflammation and swelling of wounds.


Triphala Guggulu is an effective ayurvedic treatment for internal abscesses. It reduces pus and cures infection.

Pyogenic liver abscess and amebic liver abscess

Triphala Guggulu is helpful against Entamoeba histolytica, so it is used in Pyogenic liver abscess or amebic liver abscess.

Chronic Appendicitis

Triphala Guggulu is used along with Arogyavardhini vati in chronic Appendicitis. It reduces feeling of nausea, low-grade fever, constipation and improves appetite in chronic Appendicitis.

Some doctors also use Triphala Guggulu in goiter and thyroid diseases.

Triphala Guggulu Dosage

One Triphala guggulu tablet contains approximate 500 mg triphala guggulu. It is standard for many manufacturing companies for guggulu preparations.

Dosage according to classical text is 1 gram to 4 grams twice a day, but nowadays, ayurvedic doctors prescribed 1 gram to 2 grams twice a day.

Triphala guggulu tablets: 2 to 8 tablets twice a day.

Triphala guggulu powder: 1 gram to 4 grams

The dosage of triphala guggulu depends on the health condition of the person, so dosage can vary patient to patient. The maximum dosage should not exceed 10 grams per day.

Trifala gugul Adjuvants

  1. Triphala decoction
  2. Cow’s urine
  3. Lukewarm water

Triphala guggulu side effects

There are very rare side effects reported with the use of triphala guggulu. These are due to the errors of selection of dosage according to the body type and health conditions.

Generally, patient having Pitta type body complaints loose stool in the dosage above 1 gram, but it generally occurs first two three days of use. After that, this side effect disappears. It occurs due to mild laxative action of triphala guggul.


Due to the hot potency of Guggulu, it should not be given in heavy bleeding piles, but it is effective in non-bleeding piles and fistula. If there is pus present in cases of fistula or piles, it can be given with lukewarm water safely. Your doctor may prescribe you other remedies for bleeding if he has given Triphala guggul.

Triphala Guggulu (Guggul) Manufacturers

  1. Baidyanath triphala guggulu
  2. Divya triphala guggulu/guggul (Ramdev/patanjali)
  3. Dabur triphala guggulu

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Dr. Jagdev Singh

Dr. Jagdev Singh is a qualified Ayurvedic Practitioner and Herbalist with B.A.M.S. and M. Sc. in Medicinal Plants. He has a wealth of experience in using Ayurveda to treat patients, including the use of herbal medicine and personalized Ayurvedic diets. His passion for spreading accurate and scientific information about Ayurveda and Medicinal Plants led him to create Ayur Times, a trusted resource for those seeking reliable information on the topic. Through his dedicated work, Dr. Singh has helped thousands of patients find relief and improve their health with Ayurveda and Herbal Medicine.

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  1. Dr. Jagdev, you have shared very good information. It is very valuable for ayurvedic students. I am adding here my experience with triphala guggulu.

    Triphala guggulu is a drug of choice for weight loss. It is highly effective. I am using it in many of my patients along with medohar guggulu and trikatu. I have also observed it causes loose stools in some patients, but I found it effective in obese patients with constipation.

    1. Does every patient need to take medohara guggulu & trikatu along with triphala guggulu for weight reduction or only triphala alone is enough..

      1. No, it depends on many factors. TRIPHALA GUGGUL can work alone well in reducing weight. However, when you take it along with others, its effects are increased.

  2. Sir, I am taking divya triphala guggulu 2 tablets two times a day with lukewarm water. When can I see the results in weight reduction? How much time would it take to reduce belly fat?

  3. Sir, I have hypothyroidism problem after my c-section and I have gain lots of weight after that. Can I use triphala and medohar guggal with arogyavardhini for reducing my increased weight? Is it safe?

    1. According to my opinion, these remedies are possibly safe for most people when taken under supervision of ayurvedic doctor. These would also help reducing body weight, but ayurveda believes in individualized treatment, so you should consult with local ayurvedic doctor.

    1. Triphala Guggul has mild laxative action due to Triphala, but it may not be potent remedy for obstinate constipation. However, it can help you in constipation when you have sticky stool or mucus is present in your stool. It may also be helpful in case you feel that your bowel is not getting empty properly when you finish a bowel action.

  4. When should we take Triphala Guggul and Arogyavardhini Vati before meal or after meal?

    1. In most cases, 3 months treatment with Triphala Guggul is sufficient to reduce serum uric acid level to the normal limits. In some cases, it might also be required for more than 3 months.

  5. Navakarshika Guggulu vs Triphala Guggulu
    Can you please describe the difference between both?

    1. Navakarshika Guggulu and Triphala Guggul are two names of the same medicine, so there is no difference. In the article, we have already written Navakarshika Guggulu as a synonym.

  6. Hi sir can u tell me which aurvadic medicine is best for mypia. And which medicine is best for loose only and only belly fat.

  7. Dr.Jagdev, I’m suffering from bleeding piles after delivery. I’m taking triphala guggul along with pilex and abhyarishta. Since last week, I’m having severe acidity problem. Does triphala guggul cause gas and bloating?

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