Vati & Gutika

Chandraprabha Vati Benefits, Uses, Dosage & Side Effects

Chandraprabha Vati (also called Chandraprabha Gulika and Chandraprabha Vatika) is an ayurvedic classical medicine used for the treatment of diseases of kidneys, bladder, urinary tract, pancreas, bones, joints, and thyroid gland. It is also recommended in the the management of diabetes, men’s problems, women’s problems and mental disorders

Chandraprabha Vati is beneficial in difficulty in urination, kidney stones, frequent urination, urinary incontinence, prostate enlargement, male infertility, impotency, nightfall, diabetes, painful periods (dysmenorrhea), Oligomenorrhea, amenorrhea, polycystic ovarian disease, anxiety, mental stress, and depression.


Herbs in Chandraprabha Vati

3 grams each:
Aconitum heterophyllumAtivisha
Acorus CalamusSweet Flag or Calamus or Vacha
Andrographis paniculataBhunimba (Nilavembu)
Berberis aristataTree Turmeric
Cedrus DeodaraHimalayan Cedar bark, Devdaru
Coriandrum sativumCoriander seeds
Curcuma LongaTurmeric, Haldi
Cinnamomum CamphoraCamphor (Kapur)
Cyperus rotundusNut grass (root) or Mustak
Embelia ribesFalse black pepper (Vidang)
Emblica officinalisIndian gooseberry fruit (Amla)
Piper Chaba SeedsJava Long Pepper, Chavya
Piper Chaba FruitJava Long pepper fruit, Gajapipali
Piper LongumLong pepper (Pippali)
Piper LongumLong Pepper root (Piplamool)
Piper NigrumBlack pepper (Kali Mirch)
Plumbago zeylanicaLead Wort (root), Chitraka
Tinospora cordifolia (Guduchi)Giloy
Terminalia ChebulaChebulic Myrobalan, Haritaki
Terminalia BelliricaBelliric Myrobalan, Vibhitaki
Zingiber OfficinaleGinger, Shunti
12 grams Each:
Baliospermum montanumDantimool
Bambusa bambosBamboo manna, Banslochan
Cinnamomum tamalaPatra
Cinnamomum zeylanicumCinnamon
Elettaria cardamomumCardamom seeds
Operculina turpethumTrivrit
96 grams Each:
Commiphora mukulShuddha Guggulu

Minerals in Chandraprabha Vati

Common NameOther names
3 grams each:
Swarnmashik Bhasma
Hordeum Vulgare SaltYava Kshara (Barley salt)
Swarjika Kshara (Sajji Kshara)
Rock SaltSaindhava Lavana
Sochal SaltSavvarchala Lavana
Vida SaltVida Lavana
24 grams each:
Loha BhasmaIron Bhasma
96 grams each:
Asphaltum PunjabianumShilajit (Shilajatu)

Medicinal Properties

Chandraprabha Vati has following healing properties.

  1. Antacid (mild effects)
  2. Anti-inflammatory (potent anti-inflammatory for soft tissues and muscles)
  3. Anti-arthritic (especially for spine and effects are visible in low backache)
  4. Digestive Stimulant (mild effects – its effects are visible in patient with anorexia nervosa or mental stress due to over work load)
  5. Emmenagogue (mild effects – but it harmonizes the menstrual flow by strengthening female reproductive system)
  6. Haematinic (increases hemoglobin levels – due to presence of Loha bhasma (iron Calx))
  7. Hematogenic (helps in formation of red blood cells)
  8. Lowers bilirubin (mild effects – other liver medicines are also required)
  9. Fat Burner (due to shilajit and Loha bhasma)
  10. Anti-gout (it increases urinary excretion of uric acid)
  11. Analgesic (in gout and osteoarthritis)
  12. Muscle relaxant (its effects appears on uterine muscles during painful periods)
  13. Anthelmintic (due to Vidanga)
  14. Mild anti-hypertensive

Therapeutic Indications

Chandraprabha Vati is helpful in following health conditions.

  • General debility
  • Physical weakness
  • Fatigue
  • Generalized fatigue syndrome
  • Restless leg syndrome
  • Burning or heat sensation in feet or palms
  • Health Tonic
  • Mental stress due to excess work load
  • Depression with passive symptoms
  • Memory loss in students
  • Mental fatigue in students
  • High blood pressure (Mild anti-hypertensive effects)
  • Tachycardia or palpitation
  • Heart tonic
  • Constipation
  • Gout
  • Heel pain
  • Tenderness in the heels
  • Low backache
  • Knee osteoarthritis (used with ashwagandha extract)
  • Muscular pain associated with fatigue
  • Amenorrhea (absent menses)
  • Dysmenorrhea (painful menses) dysmenorrhea
  • Oligomenorrhea
  • Excessive uterine bleeding
  • Uterine polyp (with Kachnaar Guggul)
  • Polycystic ovarian disease
  • Imbalanced female hormones
  • Habitual miscarriage
  • Prostate enlargement (used with varuna/crataeva nurvala)
  • Oligospermia
  • Impotency (with ashwagandha and Konch pak)
  • Erectile dysfunction (with ashwagandha)
  • Frequent urination
  • Urinary incontinence
  • Glycosuria (sugar in urine)
  • Albuminuria or proteinuria
  • Chronic renal (kidney) failure
  • Nephritis
  • Nephrotic Syndrome (Nephrosis)
  • Kidney stones
  • Polycystic kidney disease (PKD)

Medicinal Uses & Benefits of Chandraprabha Vati

However, there is a long list of therapeutic indication of Chandraprabha Vati. Here, we will discuss a few main medicinal uses and health benefits of Chandraprabha Vati.

General Debility & Fatigue

Chandraprabha Vati is used as total health tonic and supplement for reducing general debility and increasing physical strength. The effects are due shilajit and loha bhasma. It reduces fatigue and revitalizes the body with refreshing feeling. Its effects usually appear when it is taken with Cow’s milk.

Mental Fatigue & Stress

(Student stress and memory loss)

Chandraprabha Vati is beneficial for reducing mental fatigue and mental stress. The effects are due to its main ingredient SHILAJIT. (1, 2)

It also helps students to decrease the study related stress and improves memory.

High Blood Pressure & Tachycardia

Chandraprabha Vati has mild anti-hypertensive effects. Its main effects appear in people with excessive alcohol intake. Alcohol may increase the blood pressure and result in headache etc. Chandraprabha Vati effectively helps in this case for lowering the blood pressure and providing the strength to the heart.

It also reduces heart palpitation and normalizes the heart rate. So, it is also beneficial in the management of tachycardia. Its effects on these health conditions might be due to Shilajit and Loha bhasma.

Gout & Raised Uric Acid Level

Chandraprabha Vati increases excretion of harmful toxins like creatinine, urea and uric acid from the body. It corrects the natural functions of kidney and helps to eliminate the excess uric acid. However, it may not have effect on uric acid production, but it can reduce uric acid level by stimulating excretion of uric acid through kidneys. Generally, it is used along with Gokshuradi guggul/VatiGuduchi Satva and Punarnava powder or Punarnavarishta for improving excretion of uric acid.


Chandraprabha Vati is also useful in low backache, spinal arthritis and knee osteoarthritis. It has potent anti-inflammatory and mild analgesic characteristics. It reduces pain and inflammation in joint disorders.

Amenorrhea, Oligomenorrhea & Dysmenorrhea

However, Chandraprabha Vati has mild Emmenagogue effects, but it can correct the hormonal balance in the women, which ultimately corrects the problems like absent periods, light menstruation and painful periods.

It also has mild anti-spasmodic action due to the presence of ingredients such as ginger, pepper, long pepper, loha bhasma etc. It reduces menstrual cramps and lower abdominal pain during menstrual period.

Excessive Uterine Bleeding & Uterine Polyp

Excessive uterine bleeding has many causes, but the most common cause is uterine polyp. Chandraprabha Vati works with Kanchnaar guggul to reduce the size of polyps. However, if bleeding is main concern, then other medications are also required to stop the bleeding. This medicine includes Praval Pishti, Mukta Pishti, Mochras, Daruharidra etc.

Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome (PCOS)

Chandraprabha Vati is drug of choice for polycystic ovarian disease. It removes cysts and corrects the ovarian function. The effects on hormones are visible when it is taken with Ashokarishta and Kanchanar guggul.

Chandraprabha Vati is actually tonic for the all organs in the reproductive system and organs in the pelvis. It assists other medicines to act better and more efficiently. Therefore, it is recommended in every case with reproductive disorders. It is also great remedy for polycystic ovarian disease. If it accompanies with profuse menstruation or heavy bleeding, then the best combination in ayurveda includes:

  1. Chandraprabha Vati
  2. Ashokarishta
  3. Kamdudha Ras
  4. Musli Khadiradi Kashayam

If periods are irregular, but scanty and patient has oligomenorrhea, then Ashokarishta may not be a right choice. If it is required, then it should be taken in combination with Kumarayasava. Otherwise, the following combination works well in this case.

  1. Chandraprabha Vati
  2. Kumarayasava
  3. Sukumaram Kashayam
  4. Kanchanar guggul

Some patients may not respond well to this combination, and then they may also require Agnitundi Vati for bringing periods. However, it should only be used for a short period and should be discontinued while menstruation.

Habitual Miscarriage

Chandraprabha Vati is a great uterine tonic. According to ayurvedic beliefs, habitual miscarriage occurs due to weak uterus. Therefore, Chandraprabha Vati is used for strengthening the uterine muscles along with ashwagandha extract.

Prostate Enlargement

Chandraprabha Vati works well in reducing urinary discomfort due to prostate hypertrophy. It also decreases the size of enlarged prostate gland. It is more effective when used with Varuna (crataeva nurvala).

Oligospermia, Impotence & Erectile dysfunction

Chandraprabha Vati works on all male reproductive organs and rectifies the natural functions. In oligospermia, It increases count, strength and helps in physical weakness. It is generally used with ashwagandha extract and Konch pak.

Frequent Urination & Urinary Incontinence

Chandraprabha Vati reduces urinary frequency and urinary incontinence. However, it has no direct influence on frequent urination, but it corrects the underlying cause of these problems and helps combating these problems.

Albuminuria (Proteinuria)

In diabetic patients, microalbuminuria is an earliest sign of diabetic kidney damage. The other causes of albuminuria are exposure to heat or cold, emotional stress, fever, and strenuous exercise etc. You also need to rule out the underlying cause and treatment should also be done accordingly. In most of these causes, Chandraprabha Vati along with Kamdudha Ras works well to reduce and treat protein loss in the urine. If you are diabetic, then you should check the blood glucose level regularly and keep it under good control.

Chandraprabha Vati500 mg (Children); 1000 mg (adults)
Kamdudha Ras250 mg (Children); 500 mg (adults)
It should be taken twice a day after meal.


Chandraprabha Vati is an excellent remedy for glycosuria (presence of sugar in the urine). Along with anti-diabetic medicines or following herbal combination, it shows good results for reducing presence of abnormal glucose in the urine. The following combination also reduces blood glucose level significantly.

Chandraprabha Vati1 gram
Emblica Officinalis –  Amla (Amalaki)1 gram
Curcuma Longa – Haldi (Turmeric)1 gram
Azadirachta Indica – Neem inner bark1000 mg
Swertia Chirata – Chirayata (Kiratatikta)500 mg

Chronic Kidney Disease

As we have discussed in case of gout, Chandraprabha Vati reduces the serum level of creatinine, blood urea and uric acid. 1-gram dosage twice a day of it helps stopping increase in creatinine levels in the blood.

Kidney Stones

Chandraprabha Vati has antilithiatic and lithotriptic effects, so it reduces formation of kidney stones and helps inhibiting formation of stones in the kidneys.

Polycystic kidney disease (PKD)

Chandraprabha Vati with Kachnaar guggul helps in polycystic kidney disease. The effects become visible after a few days with this combination.


Cystitis or inflammation of the bladder commonly occurs due to urinary tract infection (UTI). It can also have other causes like drugs, use of spermicidal jellies, feminine hygiene spray or catheterization etc.

Cystitis causes cloudy urine, foul-smelling urine, frequent urination, burning sensation, or pelvic discomfort. Chandraprabha Vati is effective for reducing all these symptoms. Along with Chandanadi Vati and Chandanasava, it works well for curing cystitis.


The dosage of Chandraprabha Vati written in classical texts of ayurveda is 1000 mg to 2000 mg twice or thrice a day.

Safest Dosage1 grams or 2 tablets twice a day
Supplemental Dosage1 tablet to 2 tablets twice a day with milk
Therapeutic Dosage1 grams or 2 tablets twice a day
Maximum Daily Dosage6 grams

Caution & Side Effects

Chandraprabha Vati is LIKELY SAFE for most people in supplemental as well as therapeutic dosage. There are no side effects reported with the use of Chandraprabha Vati.

Pregnancy & Breastfeeding

Chandraprabha Vati is POSSIBLY SAFE in supplemental dosage, but there are no scientific evaluations available for the safety of therapeutic dosage.


There are no recorded contraindications of Chandraprabha Vati. However, due to the presence of iron in the Chandraprabha Vati, you should not take it in following conditions.

  • Stomach ulcers
  • Ulcerative colitis
  • Iron overload
  • Thalassemia

Drug Interactions

Due to presence of iron (Loha Bhasma), you should not take it with following modern medicines.

  1. Bisphosphonates
  2. Levodopa
  3. Levothyroxine
  4. Methyldopa
  5. Mycophenolate Mofetil
  6. Penicillamine
  7. Tetracycline antibiotics
  8. Quinolone antibiotic

Chandraprabha Vati may reduce the absorption and effectiveness of the above medicines.

FAQs about Chandraprabha Vati

I am using Chandraprabha since six months on regular basis. Is it safe to use it for a year or more? How long can we use Chandraprabha Vati?

There is no specified period of its use. Chandraprabha Vati contains all safe ingredients and some of them we are using in our kitchen too. It is safer medicines when compared to modern medicine. Many diabetic people are taking it throughout the life without any trouble or side effects. Therefore, you can take as long as it requires.

It is also a preventive medicine, so it is good for maintaining health and protecting you from all types of urinary or kidney diseases and neurological or muscular disorders.

How can I decide which adjuvant is good for my health condition?

For this, you should consult ayurveda expert for your health problem. The best adjuvant for Chandraprabha Vati is milk in most cases. In kidney or urinary diseases, it should be taken with Punarnavadi Kashayam.

How can I use Chandraprabha Vati for the management of renal failure? Does it lower serum creatinine, urea and uric acid?

Chandraprabha Vati should be taken in dosage of 2 tablets thrice daily after meal with Punarnavadi Kashayam. Yes, it lowers serum creatinine, urea and uric acid. The significant effects are observed in initial cases of kidney failure. It also decreases the requirement of dialysis and provides strength to the body in later stages of renal failure.

Does it work in bilateral small ejaculatory duct cyst?

According to my experience, Chandraprabha will work and course duration should be at least three months.

I have thyroid problem and taking LEVOTHYROXINE. Can I take chandraprabha vati? Can one take both medicines in a day?

Yes, 3 hours gap should be kept between Chandraprabha Vati for precaution and other allopathic medicines including LEVOTHYROXINE.

Will Chandraprabha vati help in epididymis swelling?

Yes, along with Vang Bhasma, Chandraprabha vati will help in epididymis swelling.

Does this CP vati have any influence on urethral stricture developed by surgical operation for enlarged prostate gland?

Chandraprabha may not help in urethral stricture. The best treatment in ayurveda for urethral stricture is UTTARA VASTI (Panchakarma therapy).

CP vati contains salts. Is it safe to consume these salts for hypertensive patient? Does it affect blood pressure?

Salts in Chandraprabha Vati have insignificant amount to affect blood pressure. Therefore, it is safe to consume Chandraprabha Vati including its salts. We have noticed that it actually helps in lowering the blood pressure in patients with hypertension.

Any interactions of CP Vati with antihypertensive drugs like AMLODIPINE, LISINOPRIL and STATINS. Please elaborate dear doctor.

There are no interactions reported between Chandraprabha Vati and antihypertensive drugs. However, one should keep 3 hours gap between ayurvedic and allopathic medicines for precautionary purposes because no clinical or research studies are available to suggest any possible interaction.

However, Chandraprabha Vati is the safe ayurvedic medicines used in a variety of diseases, but you should always seek the professional advice before using it. It may have other effects, which we may not have listed or described here in this article.

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Dr. Jagdev Singh

Dr. Jagdev Singh is a qualified Ayurvedic Practitioner and Herbalist with B.A.M.S. and M. Sc. in Medicinal Plants. He has a wealth of experience in using Ayurveda to treat patients, including the use of herbal medicine and personalized Ayurvedic diets. His passion for spreading accurate and scientific information about Ayurveda and Medicinal Plants led him to create Ayur Times, a trusted resource for those seeking reliable information on the topic. Through his dedicated work, Dr. Singh has helped thousands of patients find relief and improve their health with Ayurveda and Herbal Medicine.

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  11. I am 65 years old men with a good health, but about little over year ago I have some weight loss and diarrhea due to side effect of some medication of prostate and I have taken that medicine for about seven months. I have consulted GI doctor and urologist as well. At present time am visiting Kidney Specialist and he has determine my issue with a kidney chronic disease stage 3. At present time I am not taking any medications. My feet are swallow but no pain. I don’t have other. I was taking Chandra Prabha vati. But stop at this time. Please advise me. Should I continue on Chandra Prabha Vati or not? Awaiting your early response will be greatly appreciated.


  12. I am a 14 years old boy and I have sperm leakage problem. Can I take chandraprabha vati and viryashodhan vati?

  13. My mother is in 5th stage of renal failure and she is taking Ayurvedic medicines along with the allopathy medicines. However, she was fine with the medicines in the starting, but now-a-days she feels uneasiness whenever she takes the medicines.

  14. I have malassezia folliculitis – kind of fungal acne on my face. I am taking Triphala tablets, neem tablet and gandhak rasayan. Can I include Chandraprabha Vati for my pimples? Kindly advice.

    1. Chandraprabha might not be effective in your case. You may also require external application along with internal medicine. So, consult a physician.

  15. Hi
    Can I take Giloy (for acne), Chandraprabha Vati (for Uric Acid, Low Back Pain and Joint & Muscle pain) and Neem ghan vati (for acne) together for different purpose?

    I take Gilloy and Chadraprabha at same time but not sure for Neem.

  16. Hi Dr. I am allopathic doctor. Two years ago, due to rash of pts I had to withhold urine for a while. From next day I have perigenital pain. Till now I did urine semen prostate c/s and done USG CT and MRI pelvis with all blood tests but all results negative.
    Now I have pain at and around penis at tip of penis in scrotum in-between scrotum and anus at hip and lower back and rt upper medial thigh with painful urine and ejaculation.
    Urologists diagnosed chronic nonbacterial prostatitis. I tried all allopathy homeopathy and Chinese herbal diuretic and anti-inflammatory pills but no result. I tried chandraprabha vati by seeing your answers here and got benefits only for two weeks but again recurrence occur after two weeks. I have now strong faith and hope on you. Please advise me and give me your prescriptions. I am working in k s a now. Being a doctor, I want your cooperation and guidance. Sincerely. I shall remain grateful if I receive your mail.

  17. Greetings,
    My son had malassezia folliculitis for 2 years, used gandhak, six-c etc., but did not help. He was put on fluconazole 150 mg (3 days a week) and topical ketoconazole shampoo (on forehead) alternate days, within 5 days 90% reduced. You must search and read about dosage and duration first before starting.

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